Rare Mineral Puts Bahia on the Map of Global Energy Transition

Homerun is pleased to release this section of newspaper from the editorial team at A Tarde

Silica Found in Belmonte Has a Unique Purity Level in the World.

Bahia is on the verge of producing solar glass thanks to a partnership between the Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral (CBPM) and the company Homerun Brasil Mineração, a subsidiary of the Canadian mining company Homerun Resources. The project places the state at the forefront of the global energy transition, as this material is currently manufactured only in China.

Titled “Brasil Transparente” (Transparent Brazil), the project began in June 2023 when CBPM, under the management of Henrique Carballal, decided to enhance the utilization of silica sand found in the company’s areas in the municipality of Belmonte, in the southern region of Bahia. The president, who had just taken over the state-owned company, chose to shift the focus of the mineral asset’s use, which until then had been used in the production of Silestone—a material used in interior decoration.

“CBPM began to view this resource with a new strategic perspective, seeking partnerships to direct it towards a sector with higher added value and global impact: the production of glass for solar panels. This new direction reinforces Bahia’s role as a leader in the renewable energy sector and sustainable development in the country,” explains Carballal.

Since then, CBPM has been working to bring the project to fruition, aiming to make Bahia a key supplier in the energy transition across the Americas. The president outlines the company’s goal in supporting the project: “CBPM understands that establishing an industry to process this silica—transforming it into solar glass, among other industrial elements used in renewable energy technologies—is more than essential at a time when the planet is calling for an energy transition.”

Meanwhile, Homerun’s Chief Operating Officer, Armando Farhate, assures that the project represents sustainable mining, industrial innovation, and a strategic leap toward energy independence. “We are committed to developing a responsible mining model that adds value to the local economy and strengthens the renewable energy production chain in Brazil and the Americas.”


The project made significant progress this week when CBPM announced that the silica sand processing plant, initially planned for Porto de Aratu in Ilhéus, will now be installed in Belmonte. The decision was communicated on Monday (24) after a meeting with the city’s mayor, Iêdo Elias, state representative Fabíola Mansur, and Homerun’s director in Brazil, Antonio Vitor.

To expedite the project, the mayor of Belmonte offered land in the municipality to facilitate not only the implementation of the processing plant but also the installation of the solar glass factory. The industrial facility represents an investment of R$ 1.5 billion, accounting for over 90% of the project’s total estimated investment.

However, the final location for the solar glass factory is still undecided. It was initially planned for Camaçari—a strategically chosen location due to its infrastructure and industrial potential. The decision will be made by the Secretariat of Economic Development (SDE), which oversees the city’s Industrial Hub.

CBPM is now seeking support from the secretariat and the Municipality of Camaçari to make the project viable, as it represents an opportunity for socioeconomic development and energy independence for the state of Bahia. “We presented the project to the SDE and met with Mayor Luiz Caetano. We are awaiting the decision, confident that we will find the ideal land for the factory in the Camaçari Industrial Hub,” said President Carballal.

The processing plant, now planned for Belmonte, represents a R$ 100 million investment in the municipality and is expected to generate approximately 180 direct jobs. The mayor believes the project will transform the city’s social reality. “The largest employer here is the municipality itself, and the creation of 180 jobs will change Belmonte’s reality. With this project, CBPM will help us train our workforce and foster community-business integration.”

For Representative Fabíola Mansur, the arrival of the project firmly places Belmonte on Bahia’s mining map. “This is an opportunity to generate wealth and new businesses for the municipality, which now becomes home to the first silica sand processing unit in Latin America. Beyond the economic impact, the project reinforces our commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.”

Next Steps

When asked about the next steps for the project, Homerun’s Chief Operating Officer stated that progress is proceeding as planned. “The environmental and operational licenses for mineral extraction have already been obtained, and the mining permit is in its final issuance stage. Engineering work for both the sand processing and glass production plants is underway,” said Farhate. “As soon as the State Government completes the land donation at the Camaçari hub, we will begin civil engineering and earthworks, with implementation planned between 2025 and 2028, depending on when we receive the property.”

Employment Generation and Social Development

The partnership between CBPM and Homerun is expected to generate up to 700 direct jobs, 2,800 indirect jobs, and 1,000 temporary positions. According to the mining company’s operations director, prioritizing local labor is a key directive of the project. “We have created an action plan to prioritize regional workers, focusing on job creation, income generation, and the promotion of social and economic development in the involved communities,” he emphasized.

The Brasil Transparente Project follows ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, emphasizing sustainability and positive community impact. The company is in the final stages of a partnership with a national research center to develop innovative silica sand mining techniques, including solutions for waste management and environmental impact reduction.

Additionally, Homerun and CBPM have signed an agreement to create a fund dedicated to educational development in municipalities affected by the project. “This initiative reinforces our commitment to sustainable development and improving the quality of life for local communities,” Farhate stated.

Workforce Training

After confirming the implementation of the first phase of silica sand processing in Belmonte, CBPM signed an agreement to train local workers. According to Carballal, the initiative follows a directive from Governor Jerônimo Rodrigues (PT). “Following the governor’s recommendation, CBPM committed to establishing an agreement with the municipality to train Belmonte’s workforce so that they are qualified to work in the Canadian company’s industrial process. CBPM is also committed to providing the necessary infrastructure for the municipality to train these workers,” he announced.

Carballal also stressed the urgency of ensuring Bahia is prepared for the demands brought by climate change. “The energy transition is happening worldwide, and Bahia must be prepared. Belmonte must be ready so that the local population can benefit from the wealth generated by this process.”

With the project planning advancing, Homerun expressed gratitude for CBPM’s support in making the initiative possible. According to the mining company’s operations director, the collaboration has been crucial in turning the project into reality, ensuring that Bahia secures a strategic position in the renewable energy sector.

“In addition to granting mining rights for the deposit to Homerun under fair market conditions, CBPM actively participated in structuring the project, attracting investments, and coordinating with various public agencies to ensure its feasibility,” Farhate emphasized. He believes this model can serve as a reference for other regions in Brazil interested in developing sustainable mining projects.


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