The Tatooine High-Purity Quartz Project

About the Tatooine Quartz Project

The Tatooine Quartz Silica Project covers an area of approximately 3,958 hectares, located directly adjacent to the community of Brisco, British Columbia and BC Highway 95, and approximately 65 kilometres southeast of Golden, BC, which is home to the Moberly Mine, a past-producing high-purity silica mine in the same lithological unit as the Tatooine Silica Project.

The focus at the Tatooine Silica Project will be to sample and test the silica for its application in across the spectrum of silica end-products including high-purity solutions. High-purity silica is the input material for many value-added products in the semiconductor, solar, battery and other advanced materials industries. The high-purity silica market is experiencing significant disruption caused by tariffs and geopolitical events that are transitioning supply chains to a more regional focus.

The Tatooine Silica Project is host to high-purity quartzite of the Middle to Upper Ordovician Mount Wilson Formation which forms multiple beds ranging from 60 to 170 metres thick, striking northwest and dipping steeply to the northeast. The quartzite is hard, massive, white, and medium to fine-grained.

28 outcrop samples were taken over a 300m x 170m area within the newly discovered zone, 27 samples yielded an average of 98.80% SiO2, with a range of 97.56% to 99.19% SiO2. 24 out of 27 samples yielded greater than 98.56% SiO2.*Cautionary Note: The reader is cautioned that grab rock samples are selective by nature and may not represent the true grade or style of mineralization across the Property.

Homerun Resources
Homerun Resources

* Regional Property Location & Tatooine Silica Project Map

View the updated 43-101 technical report

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